Member-only story
How can you deliver value?
‘Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value’ – Albert Einstein
It is easy to entertain and educate, but real value comes when you bring transformation to the lives of your audience.
This is why a series of general tips and tricks doesn’t have a perceived value in the marketplace, but teaching someone how to get from A to B on a specific topic does.
Accomplishing a skill, or attaining a qualification has more value to your audience than simply improving their skill in something.
Measure the transformation your solution offers in terms of time and achievement. By quantifying a measure for your solution, you can understand how your Creative Superpower might be of most value.
Why is it important to deliver value?
In the previous section you examined ways helping your avatar could be structured into a business. Now you take it one step further and look at the value you can provide them. You need to quantify the value you can provide.
Think of your value as the pay off for your Creative Superpower.
People pay money in exchange for things they value. Items such as food, shelter and clothing have a monetary value, but so do meaning, belonging and worth. If you can provide these things to people they will also place a value on them.